Taking-adavantage-of-Black-Friday-and-Cyber-Monday-2023-with-DTI-Direct DTI Direct Canada

Taking adavantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023 with DTI Direct

If you have visited our website you will have seen that we have incredible offers of -60% on ALL Ride on Toys but there is still more.
Tips-for-building-a-strong-relationship-with-your-child-through-play DTI Direct Canada

Tips for building a strong relationship with your child through play

For children, play is learning, communication and builiding social relationships. As parents, we can enjoy the game to strengthen the bond with them.
Benefits-of-Remote-Control-Car-Toys-in-Kids. DTI Direct Canada

Benefits of Remote Control Car Toys in Kids.

Have you ever thought about getting your child a remote control car but you can't decide which one to buy?  Here are some good reasons why you should consider these toys.
Wheel-types-for-electric-ride-on-cars-for-kids DTI Direct Canada

Wheel types for electric ride-on cars for kids

When we want to buy an electric car for kids, there are several factors to consider. We all tend to focus on aspects such as power and range, or even more trivial matters such as the presence of an MP3 player or horn. However, we often overlook a much more important element: the type of wheel.

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