Kids-Electric-Ride-On-Toys-to-Cruise-the-Streets-of-Canada-this-Spring DTI Direct Canada

Kids' Electric Ride On Toys to Cruise the Streets of Canada this Spring

As the winter snow begins to melt and the days grow longer, kids across Canada are itching to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. What better way to do so than with a fun and exciting electric ride on toy? At DTI Direct, we're thrilled to introduce our collection of powered ride ons, designed to provide hours of outdoor entertainment for kids of all ages.
The-BEST-Off-Road-Ride-on-for-Kids-is... DTI Direct Canada

The BEST Off Road Ride on for Kids is...

Let's face it, almost all kids like action and don't tend to stand still. However, if your kid always stares at you driving and dreams of having his own Ride on Car and having crazy adventures around the world... you know what we're talking about.
The-best-toys-for-children-with-attention-deficit-disorder-ADHD DTI Direct Canada

The best toys for children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD)

A toy will always appeal to any child, however, finding the perfect toy is not always easy and so, in addition to taking into account the age and tastes of the child, we can take into account several details so that children with ADHD, while enjoying the toy we have bought for them, can obtain associated benefits.
How-to-choose-toys-and-save-money DTI Direct Canada

How to choose toys and save money

Hands up who likes to save a little money now and then! We're sure you've raised your hand this time, so we're going to give you some tips on how to make a better decision when choosing a toy like a Ride on Car or Kick Toy for your kids while saving some money!
Taking-adavantage-of-Black-Friday-and-Cyber-Monday-2023-with-DTI-Direct DTI Direct Canada

Taking adavantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023 with DTI Direct

If you have visited our website you will have seen that we have incredible offers of -60% on ALL Ride on Toys but there is still more.
How-Power-Wheels-made-us-all-use-its-name-to-refer-to-Ride-on-Cars DTI Direct Canada

How Power Wheels made us all use its name to refer to Ride on Cars

Many items we use every day, like zippers and escalators, were once brand names. Today we tell you the case related to the Ride on Cars: POWER WHEELS
Tips-for-building-a-strong-relationship-with-your-child-through-play DTI Direct Canada

Tips for building a strong relationship with your child through play

For children, play is learning, communication and builiding social relationships. As parents, we can enjoy the game to strengthen the bond with them.
Benefits-of-Remote-Control-Car-Toys-in-Kids. DTI Direct Canada

Benefits of Remote Control Car Toys in Kids.

Have you ever thought about getting your child a remote control car but you can't decide which one to buy?  Here are some good reasons why you should consider these toys.
RC-cars-originated-from-the-old-wind-up-toy-cars. DTI Direct Canada

RC cars originated from the old wind-up toy cars.

All of us, whatever the age, have used some kind of toy car at some time, whether mechanical, radio controlled, Barbie cars or Scalextric cars, so we are familiar with them, but do we know what the first toy cars were like up to what we know today?

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